Friday, March 23, 2012

Our own Nichols Pond Park - a place of controversy

Well yesterday I decided I could no longer stand being stuck working on the many projects that I ..of course... should be doing around the house and museum...but it was so lovely....and so HOT!..I decided to go for a drive and ended up at Nichols Pond.

I have been to Nichols Pond many times and usually drag some person who has never been there with me. This time it was with Barb Keough who has taken to calling herself "Backstreet Barb" because of the many little side trips I drag her on.

So off with Barb in tow I went with sandwiches and cameras to do a video on Nichols Pond Park.  The park located in Fenner is one of Madison County's only parks and has many historical markers and signs with information on the site.  This information however, does not come with out controversy.

Early historians took trips to the site, which many including noted Historians Mrs. Hammond, and Mr. Houghton.... thought was the site of an early battle with Champlain and 300 Huron Warriors who attacked the Oneida Village in 1615.  Other historians and archaeologists said no because there was no metal found at the site.  Still others think it is one of the earliest Iroquoian village sites.  This history battle has raged for actually it is a battle site one way or the other...I myself could care less one way or another....

What stands out is its antiquity, its quiet solitude, its ancient grain pits and is Madison County's best link to its former inhabitants.....and its past!

Barb was impressed ....and many were out walking on this fabulous day...a day that had the sun so high that things looked surreal and painted rather than I came home ...revved up the computer...drag out one of my computerized pieces of music....and made the video below called A Watercolor Album of Nichols Pond...visit the place and decide for yourself if it is the site of a battle......

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