Sunday, December 25, 2011

Light one candle and think of the light and the future

This year I have had the opportunity to do what I have always wanted to do on Christmas, sleep, think of the year behind and pray for the world next year. 

What a year past for me ..with nothing but troubles, difficulties and sorrow reliving much of the past..and yet I am able to say that by sitting and thinking today, Christmas of 2011, ..I am able to look to the future... but with much concern for the next generation.

We are but creatures of what we see, how we are brought up, and what we need to accomplish..but we sometimes fail to stop and look for the "light" as many spiritualists would claim.  An inner light, something we "are" without all our worldly goods and problems.

So I went to the google page and typed in "light one candle", a phrase given to me by a Native
American friend on a holiday season when her nation recieved death threats.  She said in her holiday card, "light a candle" and pray for inner peace and understanding...and peace.

I typed it in and out came folk music.  Something I have been involved with all of my adult life and something I am wanting to go back to.  As they say "everything old is new again"..and as I say "history always repeats itself"..but always there..understanding is always needed and if we as a people loose "HOPE"..we are lost as a people.....

I have included a link to what I found on the web..Peter Paul and Mary and a song "Light one Candle".

Do alone with alone with the world and look to how we can make the future holidays better for the whole world..but most of all for the children of every persecuted nationality, religion, political conflict and county...try it..try coming to peace with yourself..realise that we all have too much if we are able to view this blog...light a candle and pray for the world in which we live.......bsm

go to this link to view..
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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