Tuesday, March 17, 2020

More history on the Flu and the Future!

I really did not know when I started the research for my blog on the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918 that this new Corona Virus would spring up, but Drs. predicted that something like this could come back or happen again.  

The interesting fact of the 1918 variety was that researchers actually thought that a milder strain of that virus came around earlier in 1916 -1917 before the killer outbreak. It was then a milder flu, but that it mutated before returning extremely stronger in the fall... as the killer variety of historic proportions we hear about today.

Luckily we have progressed since then with quarantines and protective measures, we can now sequence its genetic makeup to allow us to make a vaccine possibly by the fall or spring to stop it… my hope is however, history does not repeat itself.

During the outbreak hysteria swept the land with theories of its origin running from it being brought by the Russians landing in Boston Harbor unleashing it… to being put in the German made Bayer Aspirin sold worldwide... 

Luckily we have progressed since then with quarantines and protective measures, we can now sequence its genetic makeup to allow us to make a vaccine possible by the fall or spring to stop it… My hope is history does not repeat itself.

This brings me to more “does history repeat itself”... including the locust infestation, dry new conditions similar to conditions that brought the “dust bowl” era, or how about a global recession that brings on a “great depression”.  Odd how history repeats itself… How about Noah’s Arc being needed because of the Great Flood… could that happen again caused by Global Warming?????

Please note that since we are all staying close to home or internet I though I might start putting up history blogs to forward to young folks or old folks to entertain and educate!

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