This week brings us a National Event called GIVING TUESDAY, and so our little Eaton Community asks for your support for its two 503c groups, Friends of the Old Town of Eaton Museum which is attempting to gather funds to improve the museum building and put on a special 30th Memorial Day Monday to coincide with the Anniversary of our Bicentennial year .
Our other group is 4 Community Cats Inc. On a sad note more people have left their animals to run around town and we have been unfortunately stuck with some new beggars, including one who was set out to fend for himself blind and unable to breath, covered in snot and rolled over by a car… he is alive and recovering..he was found sitting in the middle of the cross road on Brooklyn Street. This is animal abuse! This is calling for treatment which costs money.
Unfortunately, we can’t do our cat gift shop this winter to raise funds..but we are hoping to have a special event for our 30th Bicentennial get together on Memorial Day, which will include the cat shop!
The local cat food maker is no longer going to give us bags of their teat runs. This leaves us really shy of funds.
If you can donate any amount to either of these groups you can send a check to 4CommunityCats inc in care of 5823 Brooklynn Street in Eaton, NY 13334 or you can give your donation to any member of the groups, Backstreet Mary, Jen Caloia, Barbara Keough, or Michele Kelly!
Now some thank you. MidYorkFoundation for a Museum grant, Jen Caloia for her donations of hard cat food, Michele Kelly for her donations and help, as well as Barb Keough… Please help us take care of drop off cats and the fixing of feral or stray cats…THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THIS PROBLEM!
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