Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Rose of a different Color!!!!

                                                                     Hyde Park

With all the political slop on TV and the internet... and the discussion on women's rights, something that has been getting ridiculous.  

Women fought hard to be part of the voting  public.  Women fought for rights in the work place.  Did you know that uncooperative wives were often sent to the poor house or asylum??  True...Woman should have autonomy over their lives and their I have been thinking about the fact that I have been lucky enough to travel around New York State…see beautiful scenery…learn interesting history…and get to know people from the past and how things today got to be.  

Thinking about my past year’s travels brought me a re-introduction of thoughts on a grand lady of note, Eleanor Roosevelt.  On a visit to Hyde Park and her home Val Kill, I was treated to a video documentary on her life..and what a life it was.

Just this past week I received a card with one of Eleanor’s quotes on it...not the kind of quote you would expect, but for Eleanor Roosevelt one cannot expect the normal -just the truthful, and in some cases humorous.

The card came with this quote from Eleanor - it read:  “I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered.  But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: ‘NO good in a bed, but fine against a wall.’”

The grand dame of the democrats was a self-made person of sorts - putting herself into the role of First Lady as no other had done before her.  She was a politician who stumped for her husband and an activist who worked diligently for the United Nations and for human fact she was a person who understood more than any of her collogues then… that “women’s rights” were a necessity in the modern world and in America.

More than ever we need a person like Eleanor to guide us through the political muckery of today, a person who has the ability to show the world that human rights are needed by all people, especially in this world that is becoming smaller each and every day.

Perhaps she was successful because she was no beauty queen - only a woman of many faces…. mother...wife…friend...writer...activist….

They called her the “first lady (citizen) of the world”...and that she was…and she was a "rose of a different color!"

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