Isaac Sage built the first tavern on the site of Eaton village in 1802; it was situated on the corner opposite the site of the later Exchange Hotel (now apartments) and remained standing for over one hundred and fifty years. It was notable as it was also the first stick build house in the entire area since early builders at that time used logs... which is why Eaton was referred to as "Log City".
Few people who live in Eaton realize that because of water source of the Alderbrook, today's Eatonbrook,, Joseph and his son Ellis Morse were able too ran a sawmill in Eaton shortly after its settlement. With improvements, I am sure; the building stood as a beautiful early structure that stood until a few years ago when it was taken down. Past owners just let it sit.

In an early book on Muller Hill it was explained that Louis Anthe Muller whole stayed in Hamilton until his Muller Mansion was livable, often stopped at Sages Tavern on his trips to his building site above Georgetown.
Sage eventually moved west and opened a few other taverns going west until he reached Ohio, since I believe he is most likely the Isaac Sage who is buried there.
I love this interesting story from Hammond's history tells this story about one of Eaton's less desirable tavern stops, however the moniker of Eaton remained "Log City" for many years....
In an early book on Muller Hill it was explained that Louis Anthe Muller whole stayed in Hamilton until his Muller Mansion was livable, often stopped at Sages Tavern on his trips to his building site above Georgetown.
Sage eventually moved west and opened a few other taverns going west until he reached Ohio, since I believe he is most likely the Isaac Sage who is buried there.
I love this interesting story from Hammond's history tells this story about one of Eaton's less desirable tavern stops, however the moniker of Eaton remained "Log City" for many years....
A stranger who had traveled hither, and' was generously entertained by the hospitable people, was found to be the prince of good fellows and withal a wag. In the midst of their jollification, he took a flask of "good cheer," ascended J one of the low roofed log buildings, and in the presence or a group of admiring comrades, delivered a short and witty harangue, flourished his bottle, and drank to the health of " Log City," which was answered by the waving of hats andthree rousing cheers.
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