In early times a salt source or spring was sought and early settlers flocked to it to boil off water to gain a cup of the needed mineral. Salt in colonial times was as valuable as gold as a source of money or for trade. Salt as a trade-ware is traced as early as 6050 BC. Salt is a need mineral for man or animal…needed to dry meat and preserve fish, it was also needed to make many other components of life. From the history of salt in America we find from “SALT WORKS” – History of Salt…..
The settlement of Eaton sprang up around its water sources, since it was water that powered the mills.
Joseph Morse moved to this side of the Chenango to take advantage of the flow of water from the Eatonbrook. He staked his fortune on making the needed mills, that included a gristmill, lumber mill, woolen mills and a cotton mill.
History is in some ways is a road sign to the future. It seems that as a historian you are continually seeing the current happenings in a context of what has transpired in the past and then predicting what will happen in the future. In every small town in rural America we can see that past disappearing before our eyes. Sitting here at night writing I wonder if perhaps there might be a rebirth of the rural small communities as more and more people do business from home and seek out peaceful setting to escape to.
Here in Eaton we have the reservoirs and small lakes that in the past filled with only summer people…but more and more of these “camps” are becoming year round homes. As the suburbs inch closer and our electric & Internet improve… I wonder if some of these areas like Eaton might have a new rebirth.
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