The cat of the upstairs attic bed and breakfast was a blog I did when the blind cat that lived up there died last year....basically because I could not get her until she was too sick.
Within months of her departure the same mother cat dropped off a kitten that hid under the floorboards in the attic and wouldn't come out. I fed her by going up and kept the wood stove going to heat her area but could not get her to come out when I was up there. She was attacked while eating by other cats and I realized she could not see well. She could recognize my voice and peer at me...but would not come to the snacks and food I tried to entice her with.
Finally this summer she went into heat and was chased by male cats outside and became exhausted and I grabbed her. Ihad her fixed, shot, and she has turned into the sweetest, loving little cat who just runs around trying to please.
Barbara when she comes over is her favorite. We both realized that she can see something close to her but obviously things at distance are a blur.
She has suddenly started acting like a real kitten and to see it is funny...but...I have her in a room upstairs and let her down when I am in the front of the house...but there is no heat... and I cannot afford the electric heater for her...and my house is freezing cold.
My cat Rascal will kill her as Rascal does not like other animals...and so I am writing this blog to see if someone can adopt her...even for the winter.
She is skittish as she can't see and is afraid of noises, so she needs a quiet person who doesn't have a dog, kids, or another cat and... she needs some love.
If you can help please email me at is beautiful and spunky but still not free of her worries about being attacked. She is smart blue eyed and obviously has some Siamese in her.
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