This winter of 2013-2014 has really gotten me down. The cold and the boredom of such weather for
me is hard to chase off. With wind
howling and the snow falling last night I tried to force myself out of the
doldrums by working on a project that I have wanted to do for a long time, a
video of Root Glen in Clinton.
One of my favorite haunts of spring, summer and fall is
Hamilton College... its historic campus and the beautiful layout of the college
green. A green that is towered over by
famous architect Phillip Hooker’s historic three-tier chapel.
I love taking people on tours of the grounds while spouting
history and then take them off for a visit to the cemetery.
A cemetery that contains the remains of some of our area’s past luminaries…
people you read about in history books like Rev. Samuel Kirkland, Chief Skenandoah,
Ashel Backus, Samuel Eels and so many more.
Last fall Mike and Donna Nortman, Back Street Barb and
I went off for the history tour which includes the cottage of Rev. Samuel Kirkland,
the hall that was the birthplace of Elihu Root, the marker set by General Von
Steuben on behalf of Alexander Hamilton, the great Oneida Chief Skenandoah’s
grave and then the walk through Root Glen.
After the trip during the fall I had chosen a special piece of music that I
love for the pictures and video of the Glen.
Then last night… I finally put them together… but somehow it wasn’t right… the
beauty was missing. I came to the
realization that it was because when I am walking the paths I see the pictures
through my artist eyes… I call them.
Somehow every picture I snap reminds me of a watercolor painting that I
could do at a latter date… but one I will never get to.
So I decided to redo the video and give you the viewer a
glimpse of what my mind’s eye sees there.
Photography and music are my art form that I put to video… I
wish more people would visit my website at
and not only learn the history of NYS but also enjoy the video images and
music... a number of the videos I call my watercolor albums… of course they are my
Video of Root Glen! Please play large screen and with sound enjoy it best!
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